From: $18.00 / month
For the bish who loves their VIP access (or who can’t make up their mind & wants it allll):
This includes everything from email and text:
- Biweekly astrological subscription arrives to your inbox every New and Full Moon so you’re always in the cosmic know
- Personalized written report for your Rising Sign so you know where the main dumpster fires- I MEAN astro events- are happening in your life at all times
- Exact days/times that every astrological event is taking place and what it all means
- Deep dives into the main energies that won’t be available anywhere else
- Energetic ritual that complements each 2 week period
- Aesthetics and vibes? immaculate
real time text message updates that give you a heads up when some shit’s about to go down in the cosmos
arrive to your phone when an astrological aspect is about to hit its peak
short, sassy explanations complete with exact dates and times
“chaos demon meter” lets you know the level of batshit to expect in a clear 1-5 chaos level rating (complete with hella cute
fucking funny
informative af
Plus be the first to receive additional promotions, special sales AND be the first ~in the know~ for future roll outs